ER & IR Audit & Operation

ER / IR & Compliance Audit & Operation

Employee Relations: is a critical process of running cohesive and coherent organization. It helps organization to understand underlying symptoms and address them before they become issues of disproportionate order. Through effective design and processes organization can have advantage of being adaptable, flexible and change oriented. Creating communication channels and effective survey processes can help a great degree. Intelle-Cap has capability of running programs in Indian and global setting.

Industrial Relations : are as ancient as industry itself and has evolved simultaneously. It is important for organization to understand that not only how their own industry but also how other industry are evolving and prepare a plan to mitigate impact and create a favourable environment for itself. gree. Intelle-Cap has capability of running programs in Indian and global setting.

Compliance: is a critical component of running business anywhere. Intelle-Cap has capability of setting up, operating and auditing compliance for an organization.

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